If you’ve been considering booking a Bark & Gold Photography session for your dog, you may have come across my Rainbow Sessions and wondered What is that? Essentially, it is an end-of-life session designed specifically for aged or ailing pets preparing to cross the Rainbow Bridge, hence the term Rainbow Session. With that, however, comes some uncertainty about what these sessions actually look like; before we go deeper into what a Rainbow Session is like, let me start by sharing what a Rainbow Session isn’t.
A Rainbow Session is not about taking photos of your dog dying or designed to be depressing (although it’s perfectly normal to feel emotional during your session). Rather, these sessions are designed to be a celebration of your relationship with your pet.
During our session, I photograph the little things that you’ll want to remember: the way your pet’s paw felt in your hand, his familiar expressions, those funny quirks, and the love you share with one another.
While I encourage my clients to capture the memories of their dog while he is happy and feeling/looking good, I also understand that Rainbow Sessions certainly aren’t for everyone. If your dog has progressed to a point at which you don’t want to remember him in that way, do not feel bad in simply appreciating the photos and memories that you already have of him instead of convincing yourself into a session that may result in images too heart-wrenching to look at once your pet has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Time spent together is just as valuable.
Only you will know if investing in a Rainbow Session is right for you and your pet, but if you find yourself considering a session for your aged or ailing best friend, I’d love to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
To learn more or book a Rainbow Session for your pet, click here or give me a call at 724-913-BARK (2275). Priority scheduling is available whenever possible to accommodate urgent session needs.