Improving Your Workflow: Bark & Gold Photography Returns to the Hair of the Dog Podcast

Those close to me or anyone who’s ever worked with me in a client or mentoring capacity know that automation is my superpower (and efficiency my love language), so you can bet I said yes without hesitation when Nicole Begley of Nicole Begley Photography and founder of the phenomenal Hair of the Dog Academy invited back to the Hair of the Dog Podcast to talk all things Dubsado and client workflow.

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Introducing the Hair of the Dog Academy’s Dubsado 101 Course

My podcast return follows the release of an exciting addition to the Hair of the Dog Academy: an all-new Dubsado 101 course! Just launched in August, this streamlined guide to Dubsado walks you through everything from key considerations when choosing a CRM (or if you even need one) to how to best set up your workflows and how to get the most out of your Dubsado account via projects, portals, proposals, and more for the ultimate automation and efficiency in your client experience and business backend. I’ve also eliminated associated overwhelm with a complete setup checklist and a list of the emails I use most at various stages of my client workflow. As an added bonus, I even give a glimpse at one of my own onboarding workflows.

Dubsado 101 course on laptop screen with piece of chocolate cake

Taming Your Workflow

During our conversation, we share all about ways to improve your client workflow to ensure no one ever slips through the cracks, including sanity-saving software, how to get started implementing a CRM, the ins and outs of Dubsado, ways to personalize your onboarding process, stress-free suggestions on setting up your workflow, and so much more, including the special connection we share to the ‘burgh.

You can listen to Nicole and I chat all about taming your workflow (episode 98) of the Hair of the Dog Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Need a Dubsado Deep Dive?

I offer both one-on-one in-person and virtual mentoring to help you cultivate a profitable photography business with a specific focus on automation, choosing products, client workflow, crafting the client experience, Dubsado, in-person sales (IPS), money mindset, and product/session pricing. My love for all things business has landed me among the expert panel of pet photographers and a recommended coach with The Pet Photographers Club as well as a guest instructor role in the Hair of The Dog Academy with both my Dubsado 101 course and my calendar contest course. If you are interested in mentoring or just curious if I’d be a good fit for your goals, I encourage you to reach out. Even if we’re not the best match at this time, I’m always happy to redirect you to the best resources to help you grow as a photographer and entrepreneur.

If you listened to my Hair of the Dog Podcast episode (#98), I’d appreciate it if you take a moment to let me know your thoughts in the comments. If you’re a fellow pet photographer and you checked out my Dubsado 101 course within the Hair of the Dog Academy, I’d also love to hear your successes or answer any questions you have.

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